The newest Timber-wear!
The newest Timber-wear!
We have added some really cool options for you guys this year! In addition to clothing we have included a Timberlake fisbee, Timberlake hacky sack (my favorite), and the much desired Timberlake Wayfarer “tribal” sunglasses. We did it guys…we really did it. Ask and you shall receive!
#1 Camp Picture
#2 Timberlake Sunday Shirt (1 Required)
#3 Timberlake Tribe Jersey (2 required)
#4 Tribal Wayfarers (Oh yes)
#5 New Tribal Yell T-shirts (designed by the Sultan of Fun himself)
#6 Timberlake Flannel (Tribal) Pants
#7 Felt Pennant
#8 Timberlake Hacky Sack!
#9 Timberlake Discraft Frisbee
#10 Timberlake Blanket Graphite (with new logo)
#11 Crazy Creek
#12 Canvas Laundry Bag
#13 BPA Free Nalgene Water Bottle
#14 Navy Timberlake Hoodie
#15 New Camp Shirt (also deigned by the Sultan)
#16 Timberlake Drawstring Bag