Why Timberlake?
Every boy is different. Some grow through achievement in their activities, progressing through skill levels, and more challenging rock faces. Others thrive in creative settings, and still others with a new and healthy sense of independence. All of them need the opportunity to just be a boy, to get their feet wet and their hands dirty. At Timberlake, each part of our program is designed with this in mind, as campers develop new skills and discover friendships and a sense of belonging through fun-filled adventure.
An Epic Adventure where every detail matters
Some camps are very small and focus on intentional community building, while other are very large with the ability to create large scale games and events. Timberlake is a mid-sized camp where we believe we can have the best of both worlds.
With roughly 175 boys and 50 staff at camp each session, we have a large enough group size to create epic events and allow boys to be swept up in adventure and story that is bigger than themselves, but we are small enough to where campers and staff can all learn each other’s names and build deep friendships that endure beyond just a summer session of camp

Freedom to Fail
Nobody wants to fail, ever, and they especially do not want to fail in front of their parents, or the opposite sex. A single-gender camp is one of the only places that children have the freedom to try things that they do not expect to be successful in. The result is that they often discover sports they love and wonderful talents they possess. The freedom to fail is one of the most important parts of our best successes.
Timberlake is designed to be a place that is big enough for boys to walk in and get swept up in the adventure of camp, but small enough for each camper to be individually known and to have their unique gifts recognized by our staff.
John Menendez, Director
Come along on almost any evening to a Timberlake Evening Activity and you will see 16 year olds and 8 year olds playing together and having fun! What you will not see is one or two campers hanging back in the wings, watching from a distance, because everyone is playing.
Merri-Mac: Our Sister Camp
Our sister camp, Camp Merri-Mac, operates just 25 minutes away from Timberlake in Black Mountain, NC. With matching dates and rates and coordinated schedules, it’s a perfect option for families with girls. We train our staff teams together before camp, have sibling days throughout the summer and share many of the traditions we have built together from over 40 years of camping together.