This Moment is Full
This Moment is Full
Two nights ago, I rode my bike to Adam and Ann’s, our Merri-Mac Directors, home to pick up my lost phone. Misplacing my phone turned out to be the best mistake I made this week. Ann and I chatted, snacking on homemade cookie dough. She poured me a glass of water. I felt a little sweatier and out of breathe than I wanted to let on. “How’s life as an intern? This week been good?” I felt loved.
While leaning on my bike at the fencing pavilion, my neighbors Daniel and Anne, Merri-Mac Assistant Director, invited me in for some supper. “We’re leaving tomorrow so feel free to sleep in our home, eat our food and watch our Netflix.” Eating on tasty baked chicken and the best sautéed squash and zucinni, I felt revived as rest washed over me.
On my walk home, I stopped to visit with my newest neighbors, Dan and Annie Singletary, Timberlake Directors, where I ate second supper. I munched on chips and guacamole from Olay’s, a local favorite in Black Mountain, listening to friends and family of the Singletary’s offer help and company as they transition into the move. When I left I heard, “Come back tomorrow. Anytime really!” I felt apart of their family. I felt sincerely welcome.
I was full on more than just food as a friend and I rode the camp golf cart back to the Big House. We reminisced about the past summer. I felt nostalgic, full on the past and present moments I experienced at camp.
Not many 25 year olds are fortunate enough to transition into a community like the one I became apart of this fall. Life right out of college, and even a few years down the road, can feel meaningless, even lonely. And yet here am I. A very clear product of God’s grace and the good gifts He promises. I’m blessed to be living at camp, surrounded by people who care for and love those they work with.
What’s my job exactly? “Camp Intern.” I schedule Adam and Dan’s home shows, help Ryan with BME retreats, recruit staff, and, sometimes, even carpool. I love it. There’s nothing I love more than to be the support staff who helps her friends make camp what it is: a wonderful place for kids to grow and learn. In turn they support and wrap their arms around me. No matter if I accidentally bought two plane tickets to Costa Rica, or backed the camp van into a tree, or was late picking their son up from soccer practice. This gracious acceptance for my weaknesses and faith in my strengths keeps me going when the days are long, and the computer screen gets fuzzy.
When I’m asked how’s your job? I often respond with “Let me tell you who I work with.” Those who direct Merri-Mac, Timberlake and Black Mountain Expeditions are not just in the business of promoting kids. They are in the business of promoting people, like me. I know I’m profoundly blessed to work with individuals who deeply care about providing a safe adventurous place for children.Those of you who’ve worked at camp know what I’m talking about. It’s one of the reasons why working at camp is my favorite job.
Interested in working at Camp? Come experience the love here at this camp. Come work at a place where you can safely learn about yourself alongside your campers. Come work with people whose greatest joy is to equip others. Humble people, who live out their faith daily, run this place. It’s inspiring. It’s life giving. It’s wholly fulfilling.
This season of my life could be spent in a less meaningful, less service-oriented, less fresh air and less outdoor environment, but I get to spend it here, dwelling in this place, with these people, for this moment.
And this moment is full.
written by Intern: Sadie Roebuck