What if my camper is not smiling?

What if my camper is not smiling?
Camp is the happiest place I’ve ever seen. I know this because we laugh a lot! We laugh a lot more here than at home, or school, or even with our friends. Sometimes we get tired of laughing and just smile a while, but before long we forget and start laughing again. We laugh every time we wake up and the counselors have designed a new creative way to get us out of bed. We laugh every time we have a skit at a meal, or sing songs, or do our tribe cheers, or promote a camper. We laugh every time a camper tries to climb the tower, for the third time, and finally gets it. We certainly laugh when we see a staff member covered in paint after initiation, or get tagged out by the youngest camper in the Sock War, or sing a solo in the Dining Hall.
But we have also learned one important thing. It is actually impossible to smile all the time. We know this because if it were not true we would do it! Sometimes, while we’re tying our shoes or thinking real hard, or maybe learning to roll our Kayak, the smile just goes away for a moment and sometimes during these rare, non-smiling moments, someone takes a picture.
So…if you see a picture of your camper not smiling please don’t worry; they might be thinking up the next thing to smile about! But if you do worry, please let us know. We’d be happy to let you know how they are doing.
Adam Boyd