The Importance of Spending Time Outside

The Importance of Spending Time Outside
John Menendez - September 16th 2015
The summer might be coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean that spending time outside has to as well! Here at Camp Timberlake, we encourage our campers to spend as much time as possible outside while they are here for the summer. But we hope this doesn’t end as soon as they leave our boys overnight camp near Florida! Instead, encourage your children to spend time with nature, and keep on reading to learn more about the importance of spending time outside!
- Research shows that children are spending about half as much time outdoors as they did 20 years ago. Parent, remember all of the memories you have playing games in the backyard and riding bikes through your neighborhood? It is highly likely that your children won’t have these memories, as they get older. Instead, they’ll remember all of the different video games and TV shows that they binge watched. To change this, have them practice some of the boys overnight camp activities that they would normally participate in during the summer! It’s great practice for next summer as well.
- Spending sixty minutes of unstructured free play every day is essential to a child’s mental and physical health. School has become an extremely stressful and anxiety inducing place for children. By making them spend just sixty minutes of time outside playing, they are given a much-needed break and an opportunity to relax and move around.
- Hey parents, spending time outside isn’t only important for children. Spending just a few minutes outside acts as a natural stress reliever. It reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension. It can also relieve depression, improve memory, increase attention span, and make you overall a happier person. And who wouldn’t want any of that?
- Lastly, children who spend time outside are overall healthier. They are less likely to become obese, become better students, and become more creative in their day-to-day life. We encourage our campers to explore our boys overnight campgrounds while they’re here for the summer. And once they get home, go and explore your own neighborhood with them. Go for a hike, go for a swim, anything to keep you all moving and spending some time in the great outdoors.
To guarantee a summer filled with spending some much needed time outside, there’s nothing better than sending your son to Camp Timberlake! Call the best boys overnight camp near Florida at (828)-669-8766 for more information or to schedule a tour today.