
At the sound of reveille this morning, Camp Timberlake had the pleasure of waking up to misty mountains on their way to breakfast. For breakfast, our campers and staff were treated with French toast and bacon, which was quickly devoured in minutes. After our daily morning yell to help us wake up, we had Zach T. give a talk in chapel about Christ always being there for us and making us strong.

Once chapel was over and our cabins were spick and span, campers were eager to get started with their activities! Today in backpacking, campers learned the importance of a “bear bag” and learned how to set one up for camp sites. In team sports, they played basketball and learned the basics for passing, dribbling and shooting. The basketball fever is in full swing here at camp, with Will K., JB G., and Seth H. playing 3 v. 3 basketball during free time with Conrad A., Sean G. and Grant T.

Climbing class took on the traverse wall today and learned proper foot placement for climbing, and Will G. and Matthew J. completed their bronze requirements for climbing! Just around the hill, archery class made it rain with their flights of arrows! Drew S., Sam H., Baran D., Charlie O., and Henry F.P. all made great strides towards their bronzes and Santiago S. made progress towards his silver. Canoeing class had a great time on Lake Doris (fun fact: the only lake in North America that sits on a slight tilt). Canoers learned how to do a shallow water rescue and reviewed their different types of strokes.

After a morning of activities filled with lots of learning and adventure, the campers headed to lunch for not just tacos, not just bags…BUT TACOS IN A BAG!! A camp favorite for lunches, the campers were scrambling for seconds at the sight of the Frito Lays bags. At lunch, they announced cabin inspection scores (which has been a very close competition this session). Today, Little Slaty and Greybeard tied for first with a 9.5 in cabin clean up! They also announced that the powerful Seminoles won Stealing Skins from the night before (go noles!). After lunch, campers enjoyed a well deserved rest time and a fun filled free time. During free time, the boys had the opportunity to glaze their pots they’ve been working on in pottery.

After free time, we got our activities up and running. Kayaking got rolling today on the lake! Bobby H. and Mitchell G. worked on their braces and T-Rescues. Meanwhile, Seamus G. was stepping up as a leader and teaching others how to do their roll. In third period airsoft, John Michael F. completed his bronze requirements and Davis M. continued his silver requirements. Airsoft class had a great time playing 1 v. 1 for bronze requirements and learning more about movement on the battle field. Rocketry had their launch day today! 100% of the rockets that were built were successfully launched and Rees R., Patrick P., and Will G. received their silvers for rocketry!

Once we were done for activities, we slowly began to shuffle into the Tucker Inn for dinner, feeling exhausted and ready to eat. With everyone nonchalantly eating dinner, Brandon C. sparked the dining hall with excitement and energy with the announcement of the first ever game of Search and Destroy, a battle game between the two tribes to “destroy” the other tribes base with bombs being planted with stealth. As I am writing this, the battle field is currently a blaze with Iroquois and Seminoles fighting for the glory of winning the first inaugural game!

During free time, we had our Summit Trip head out as well. The Summit Trip at Camp Timberlake is a fairly new tradition where we take all of our campers who are 15 years old (going into their last year or two of camp) and take them on an awesome over night backpacking trip that teaches them leadership, backpacking skills, and most importantly preaches the Gospel to how we should present ourselves as men. The campers who are on the Summit Trip are:

Hank H.

Brandon P.

Santiago S.

Mauricio S.

Joey W.

Charlie D.

Brian S.

Bennet D.

Another day in the books for Camp Timberlake, and God has graced us yet again with beautiful weather and plentiful opportunities to grow together as friends and grow as men of Christ. A great day for activities and trips, it’s hard to believe that session 3A is ending this week. Eager to see what’s in store for your son tomorrow? Stay tuned for tomorrows article and be sure to keep refreshing the pictures to see your son having the time of his life!

This summer has been one to remember, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us!

In Christ,

Carter Boone

Little Slaty Counselor

Proud Seminole

Climbing Instructor

Pottery Enthusiast

Sticker Collector

Amateur Aquatic Gymnast

University of Alabama ‘19