Costa Rica Kayak Adventure

Costa Rica Kayak Adventure
Growth through friends and adventure.
It’s something that we talk about a lot around here, something we strive to weave into every aspect of our program. But it’s not every day that you get the chance to see all three happening simultaneously, like I did over new year’s down in Costa Rica with six of our strongest kayakers. The week long adventure was full of too many stories to tell here (watch the recap video!), but I’d like to briefly share the incredible ways all three elements of our mission came life in Costa Rica.
Adventure: We’ll start with the easy one. Over the course of seven days, we had the chance to kayak through Costa Rica’s beautiful, rugged and challenging rivers and landscapes. Paddling class II-IV rapids, camping out by the river’s edge with only the gear we paddled with, hiking to and swimming under waterfalls, and exploring local markets hardly begins to scratch the surface of the adventures we shared.
Friends: Six campers across all three of our session spent a whole week, living, eating, working and playing together. As men (and young men), there is a unique bond created when we walk (or in this case paddle) shoulder to shoulder and side by side, looking forward, and pushing one another towards a goal that would be out of reach if approached individually. To watch these bonds grow and strengthen throughout the trip was a privilege for me.
Growth: Where do I even start? Not only did each guy grow leaps and bounds in his kayaking experience and abilities (these were not the same boaters leaving that flew down at the start of the trip), but they learned to navigate a new country and culture, some of them for the first time. Way to go Jack, James, Joe, Ford, Cameron and Trey. We are so proud of you.
It was the trip of a lifetime and an absolute blast to be a part of. Be sure to check out the recap video and join us on our next Timberlake adventure!
Great Camping,
John (and Hank)