Spinoff Sunday
Spinoff Sunday
At Camp Timberlake we began the day off on the right foot with a beautiful, sunny, Sunday Morning! For breakfast we had a blueberry/ citrus coffee cake, and then began our day; a Sun-day more or less dressed like a Saturday. For Lunch we had a southern meal with Fried Chicken, & Mash Potatoes. Our campers got a chance to attend all of their usual Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday activities as well as the opportunity to partake in some fun trips! Greybeard took a trip to the new property located in Marion, NC! There they swam, played spike ball and soaked in the sunshine! Another trip headed over to Ship Rock for some climbing, it was a Super Busy day filled with great attitude all around! Seth W. and Connor G. achieved their Silver during the trip; this was Seth W.’s third trip!
Moving on to our campers who spent the day with us at home, we have Mason J. and Chase G. who earned their Bronze bar in Airsoft. In Canoeing we had Graham W. and David G. practicing their swamping and un-swamping and in Cooking today the boys made Chocolate chip and Blueberry pancakes with bacon!
On your mark! Get Set! Go! Program Director Charlie Richards and camper John S. competed down the lanes to see who swam the fastest. Over at the Traverse wall we had David M. working really hard on the traverse wall router! Ben C. and Andrew F. bot got their Bronze bar in Kayaking.
Moving up to Spencer’s Green we have Wrestling where the campers learned their referee position and had some free time to wrestle some more. In Soccer, Preston K. showed exemplary skill as a keeper.
For Dinner we had a big cookout where we threw some footballs and hung around for a while. Like we do on Sunday’s at Camp Timberlake today we hosted the Vespers in the Chapel featuring The Black Mountain Oysters!! We sang, we laughed, and we were left breath less at the great acts that participated!
For our evening activity we played ‘El Presidente’ where the two competing tribes the Iroquois and the Seminoles compete to capture each others leaders by pulling each others flags but no one knows who is who! Stay Tuned to hear more about who came out victorious from tonight’s game!