Day Joe Cowboy It’s!

Day Joe Cowboy It’s!
Today was a day unlike any other–it was Cowboy Joe day! Cowboy Joe day is a special day that we have once a session here at camp. It started last night with each cabin reading the legend of Cowboy Joe, a legend of a cowboy who is famous for always getting things backwards and for cooking up delicious donuts.
This morning, each cabin was woken up to the sound of whoopin’ cowboys with backward clothes leaving a trail of donuts and chocolate milk as they bounced through the cabins. Everyone got up and enjoyed breakfast before heading down to an epic game of BattleBall. BattleBall is normally an evening activity, but in honor of Cowboy Joe nearly everything today was backwards, and that includes our daily schedule. So we started with our evening activity and then went to our 4th period class.
Next was lunch: roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, peas, and rolls along with the normal salad bar and soup option. The winner of last night’s “Mission Impossible” (Iroquois) was announced, and then the backwardness continued with free time and then rest time before 3rd and 2nd period.
After classes were all finished for the day, we went to a special dinner cookout on Mackay’s Green. We ate a whole pig slow-cooked and pulled by the cookout team led by Greybeard counselor Tyler S. After everyone ate their fill we walked over to the evening yell and then continued the backwards schedule by going on to chapel.
Currently, everyone is at the evening activity “County Fair” which includes great games like inner tube sumo wrestling and counselor skeet shooting, where campers get a paintball gun and a few rounds and then get to try to shoot the counselors running for safety.
Another highlight of today was the great trips that went out. Brian S., Henri F., Brooks M., and David R. all got to go kayaking on the Tuckaseegee. Grady R., Mason J., Davis P., Grant S., Christian S., Wes D., Lance K., Jack K., JT H., Pete B., and Charles T. all are on an overnight backpacking trip to Linville, and Reid C., Jonathan D., Dash V. and Dallas M. all got to go on a fly-fishing trip.
Signing off,
Jameson E.
Canoeing instructor
Big Piney counselor
Proud Iroquois