a view of tomorrow

a view of tomorrow
As August comes to a close and the first hints of fall starting blowing through our mountains, things are moving here at camp. Construction is underway at the new Timberlake location, and there is a LOT of action.
Some of the major aspects of the build already in motion include the dining hall, waterfront, playing fields, and council ring. Our 8-acre lake has been drained so that work can begin on the dock, swim lanes, beach, boathouse, and diving/blob tower.
The new Dining Hall, which will be nestled into the hillside overlooking the lake, is ready to have its foundations laid. It’s amazing how much dirt needs to be moved to prepare an area for that kind of a building. We’re taking the dirt excavated by the lake and using it to level our playing fields and build our new council ring (amphitheatre style) tucked back in the beautiful forest that envelops camp.
Sitting in the middle (or on top of) all the dirt and digging, I can’t help but close my eyes and imagine what the finished product will look like. We wanted you to be able to envision it too, so we had an artist draw a rendering of the future lake front.
In the top left across the lake is the new dining hall. The blob tower, beach and swim lanes sit on on the opposite side of the lake. The boathouse will be in the bottom left, but isn’t pictured here. The chapel overlooks the lake and you can see what will be our four youngest cabins in the top right. Oh, and don’t forget the trading post right by the volleyball court (and tetherball and thunderball).
It’s an incredible future we have in front of us, and we’re so thankful to have our wonderful Timberlake families helping us make it a reality. We’ll have some fun construction pictures to share in next week’s blog as well, so be sure to stay tuned!
277 days until camp,
Director, Camp Timberlake