13 Family Friendly Things You Can Do Today
13 Family Friendly Things You Can Do Today
John Menendez - March 19th 2020
Some great ideas from our Merri-Mac Assistant Director, Andrea!
We know that all of your normal routines have vanished for the week (and next week). While we could focus on all of the things that lead to this pandemic, we don’t want to further the anxiety that is surely filling your house; let’s focus on what we can control this week! Your kiddos are home from school and this quality time can be an unexpected gift.
If you are running low on ideas for how to manage homeschooling and entertainment this week, here is a list of thirteen family friendly things you can still do today.
- Write a letter. During the summer, everyone at camp starts writing letters. Bring this trend back and write a letter to your friend!
- Go to the virtual zoo. Several zoos are doing live streams to focus on new animals. Check out the Smithsonian National Zoo, the Houston Zoo, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo, the Monetary Bay Aquarium, the San Diego Zoo,
- Watch an educational TED talk. Here is a list of motivational TED talks for kids.
- Start a new book series. Physical books, audio books or online read alouds are all great options. The New York Public Library has made it possible to download over 300,000+ ebooks.
- Experiment! Pinterest has a ton of simple science experiments that can be made with common household items.
- STEM and STEAM projects. These are a great way to foster creativity at home; here is a list of 60+ projects.
- Start a puzzle. While Amazon has a ton of options, see if you can support a local store that is offering curbside pickup to select a puzzle. Eeboo puzzles are my favorite!
- Play a game. Board games, card games, anything goes!
- Get creative! Set up a watercoloring station or tune into a live stream drawing class. There are several paint-your-own pottery shops that are creating to-go kits; see if there is one in your town!
- Go outside! Take a hike, a jog or a walk around your neighborhood. You can also take a virtual walk through a national park.
- Bake a treat. Who doesn’t love a sweet treat? This can also be a great way to review fractions and how math applies to daily life.
- Exercise. Have a dance party or follow along with an online yoga session.
- Plan for camp. Create your own packing list, a list of goals, compile addresses for letters.
Stay tuned this week and next week for lists of adventures that you can take while being health conscious.
Happy camping,