Elements of the “Greatest” Camp Games

Elements of the “Greatest” Camp Games
IMAGE CAPTION – There’s no stopping us now!
So Stephen, Louis and I have been thinking lately about the greatest evening activity games ever
created and what exactly makes them “the greatest”. Is it that they involve stealth like sock war
or capture the flag? Is it that they involve hurling water balloons? (Or launching water balloons
at archery targets for that matter!) What about dodging and diving from oncoming playground balls?
Or is it the messiness of shaving cream, ice cream sundae, or maybe mud? So what if we combined all
of these elements into one super activity? Is it even possible? Would we all just freak out
simultaneously with the majesty of this new creation? Who knows? But what I would like is for you
to email me with some of your favorite evening activities so that we can figure out which one in particular is
“the greatest”. [email protected]
In other news
We are having a staff reunion here at camp in December. All of us are going to sleep in the
cabins during the winter. Screens people…screens. They keep bugs out, not the cold. It is going
to be crazy and I personally can’t wait.
Your fearless leader!