Timberlake fantasy football midseason update!

Timberlake fantasy football midseason update!
IMAGE CAPTION – Are you ready for some football?
So we are about mid-way through this battle for the title of “Camp Timberlake Fantasy Football
Champion,” and I just thought you might like to know where the standings are at this point.
In the NFL league (the top ten):
1. The Fighting Outbackers (Conner Carrigan)
2. The Ducks (John Andrews)
3. Trengelmann (Trey Engelman)
4. The Imperial March (which is actually my team, note the Darth Vader reference)
5. Rapid Assassin (Cole Heathcott)
6. Sean Brady (his name is his team)
7. The Crimson Iroquois (Gavin Reed)
8. The Dream Team (London Lewis)
9. The Trading Post Raiders (Louis Parchman)
10. Come On! (Tyler Sharpe)
Now the College Football Pick’em (top ten again)
1. The Imperial March (That’s right, I am winning it all baby!)
2. The Trading Post Raiders (Louis Parchman is also a bowl scout for the Citrus Bowl!)
3. The Crimson Tide (Gavin Reed)
4. The Crimson Outbackers (Conner Carrigan)
5. Roll Tide Hootenany (Jacob Matteson)
6. Chunkybob (London Lewis)
7. Sam (Sam Pectol)
8. The Sultan (Stephen Owens)
9. Btag (Jason Battaglia)
10. Craighead (Hunter Spurgeon)
The winners of these will receive a Timbertool! Good luck to all.