extraordinary day
extraordinary day
Today was a most extraordinary day in the most amazing way. It was a Saturday like none before. It started off as usual with the wake up call at 7 am, then breakfast, which as usual was delicious. The speech given before the morning yell spoke of power and might, which reverberated throughout the day. Before classes began we had various trips go out. A trip to Max Patch went out and was filled with games and fun. Max Patch is an amazing meadow set within the mountains of Tennessee. The Appalachian Trail runs through this meadow and for good reason, because of the natural beauty. On this trip were Dash V., Teddy O., Scott S., Brice N., Walker L., Logan B., and George G. We also had a Kayaking Trip go out to Section 9 part of the French Broad River. This part of the river is gorgeous, but challenging for campers. It forces them to use their in class skills and rely on their natural abilities. Hughes F., Hank B., Zach S., Cody A., and Harris C. all kayaked really well! The water levels were high so it made the river a lot of fun!
There were a lot of campers who completed portions of their activities for bars. For instance, in Riflery, Truett B. earned his Bronze. He found his mark with his gun, landing him his bar. In Climbing, 6th year camper Jack D climbed the Chalk Route of the Grotto for his Gold. This highly difficult route is almost all upside down!!! In Kayaking, Alec S. and Eli F. got their roll. Rolling in a Kayak is one of the most challenging yet useful Kayaking Techniques a Kayaker will use on every river. Harris C. went for his Gold in paintball, which is a bar only the best go for.
The night is quickly drawing to a close, but not before campers get one more chance to enjoy activities. During supper we all learned that the evening would be filled with sneaky maneuvering and stealthy rolls for Ninja training would commence. In this activity students must work to find bases both known and hidden to place slips of paper in them. The paper will earn their team points and a chance at victory. The game is not so simple though because participants must avoid “stingers.” These are counselors who were enlisted to tag campers with socks causing them to lose their slip of paper. The game has just now completed. It was intense, but fun filled.
Soon campers will be preparing for a much needed night of sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday and for many it will be a day of rest and relaxation with frog catching, dam building, and sand castling building at the front of each kids mind. For others tomorrow holds a day of excitement with various trips going out. Whether on the trail or in camp tomorrow will be a day to worship God.
God bless,
David Parker