Camp Timberlake: Where boys become Men!

Camp Timberlake: Where boys become Men!
Yet another exciting day at Camp Timberlake as the boys kicked off the beginning of the first session of the summer! The day began with the newly initiated campers of Iroquois and Seminole awaking with the tribes’ paint dried onto their faces from their ceremony the night before. The camp’s activities started up as the boys enjoyed classes from kayaking to riflery. Though it is only the first day of activities this session, the campers are already making achievements. Carter Boone successfully launched his first rocket today which reached over 300 feet into the air. Grant Metzger, Will Cobb, Sherrod Bell, and Jackson Singleton participated in a mountain bike safety ride and are already looking forward to biking trips later this week. Jacob Aiken was quick to learn the kicking technique in swim class this morning. John Cooper shot a rifle for the first time today and hit his target twice. Tyler Snively was the first to play a brand new guitar which Camp Timberlake purchased for the guitar class. Nico Leshaw climbed a challenging route 4 times during a climbers trip to the Little Lost Cove, and Oliver Nicholson climbed a bronze route on the Traverse Wall. Harrison Carmichael, Quinn Martin, Jackson Singleton, and Grant Metzger are all preparing for a kayaking trip they will be going on tomorrow to the Broad River. The day’s classes ended with a full camp picture in which Lawton Harper was awarded the “Most Still During the Photo Shoot Dollar”. Following dinner, the boys were thrilled to learn that they were going to play an epic game of “Sock War” for the nightly activity. Everyone is excited and ready for a wonderful summer in which the boys will most assuredly make leaps and bounds in their respective activities and into quality young men.