Another Great Day!

Another Great Day!
June 21, 2013
It was another great day at Timberlake, filled with promotions, shaving cream wars, and fun activities throughout the day. While many of the boys got closer to earning a bar in their activity, Keaton B. got his bronze in canoeing and Jack E. got his silver in wrestling. Some of the campers even left camp and went on rafting trips and backpacking trips. The rafting trip went to the Nantahala River and had a whole day of working their way through rapids and having fun. The backpacking trip, which consisted of only the Greybeard cabin, hiked the entire Greybeard trail which covers over 15 miles of tough terrain. After everybody was done with their activities and back from the trips the real fun started with the evening activities. It started out with the Little Chief ceremony were lots of campers were promoted but two, Keaton B. and Carter B., earned the pathfinder rank, the second highest! After that all of the campers ran down to Mackey’s Green for a huge shaving cream fight! With four tubs full of shaving cream and a very long slip n’ slide everybody had an amazing time. To get rinsed off the older cabin had a free swim with an intense game of water polo and lots of cannon balls. We are proud of all of our boys and are looking forward to tomorrow for more growth and great memories.
Dylan K.