The Saturday Poem

The Saturday Poem
It was a Saturday to remember at Camp Timberlake,
where the staff worked hard to young men make.
Shouts of triumph echoed as bars were won,
laughs were spilled as songs were sung.
The dining hall was alight with merriment,
with a particularly amazing announcement:
Big Slaty’s cabin-clean-up scored the first 10!
And great food led to chants of “THANK YOU KITCHEN!”
After lunch there was the mid-afternoon break,
with mountain biking and free swim in the lake.
After dinner there was great activity,
with “Ninja Training” the big festivity.
It was a big day for the brothers, Nicholas and Andrew S.
In Team Sports’ football, Nicholas was best,
While Andrew’s kayak roll stood nearly as tall
as his climbing across camp’s traverse wall.
While impossible to note all of the rest,
Listed below are just some of the best:
-Andy L. and Cameron S.’s kayaks rolled
– Jack E.’s Wrestling Silver Bar brings him closer to Gold
-Michael C. and Ben A. got their bronzes in Rocketry
-Spencer G. got his Bronze bar in Archery
Here we never forget how Jesus rose,
thank you for reading my humble prose.
Counselor Justin M.