Sunday = Rest day/Fun Day

Sunday = Rest day/Fun Day
Today was Sunday. We call it Sunday rest day here at Camp Timberlake. The boys and the counselors were able to sleep in an extra hour before heading down to breakfast. After breakfast, the counselors took prayer requests from the boys and then prayed for those requests during chapel. Then it was off to cabin clean-up. The race is still very tight between the Tomahawk and Greybeard cabins. Greybeard won by .1 of a point and scored a perfect 10! After cabin clean-up, Camp Timberlake hosted four different contests. The first contest was a Dam Building contest. Will C., Bryce K., Peter M. and Roy M. came together and won the contest as a team. There was also a Frisbee Golf Tournament. The winner was James B., who shot an impressive 70! The third contest was the Sand Castle Building Contest. The winning team was named Frog Infinity Kingdom, and consisted of Will B., Andrew S. and Christian S. Jacob W. won honorable mention for best backstory for his castle. The last contest Timberlake hosted was the Frog Catching Contest. The winners were Harrison C. and Jack E., though neither caught a frog. They teamed up and succeeded in catching a snake instead (don’t worry, no one was hurt in the catching of this snake)! There was also a Mountain Bike Ride and Fly Fishing throughout the course of the day.
After lunch, an hour of rest time and some more free time, Camp Timberlake had a big cookout up at Spencer’s Green. There were hamburgers and hotdogs, along with all of the side dishes such as chips, potato salad and watermelon slices. After dinner the entire camp went to Vespers, where we heard the Black Mountain Oysters play and listened to a message proclaiming Christ as King! For our evening activity, we enjoyed a free swim in Lake Doris. Then it was off to bed. It was a great, fun, restful day!
Counselor Matt