Things are happening here at Camp!
Things are happening here at Camp!
What a great day at Camp Timberlake. With it being the last day of safety talks and having no rain, it was a perfect combination for good times. The start of this great day was amazing for the cabin Greybeard because they went on a cabin hiking trip to Black Bolsom, the top of a mountain with a great view, and then went swimming in upper falls creek. Even though the water was freezing they still all jumped in and had lots of fun. While the Greybearders were out, lots of awesome things were still happening back at camp. Rocketry got a shipment of 80 rockets that are all ready for the campers to get their hands on and start building. In kayaking Wes H., Henry M., and Trevor B. continued their progress with t-rescues and braces while Wes H. also successfully did his roll! Higher up the hill, Nico L. is on his way to getting his gold in paintball, all he needs to do is beat the counselor, Good luck Nico! At lunch two big things were announced, Tomahawk won cabin clean up again with a 9.8 and Big Slaty came in second with a 9.5, but the big news was who won sock war, which was Seminoles. Also there was a birthday today for Julian W. which is being celebrated during cabin night, tonight’s evening activity. That just about wraps up camp today, check back tomorrow for news on some awesome trips that are going out!
Counselor Dylan k.