Rainy Timberlake Day

Rainy Timberlake Day
Rain or Shine, the campers here at Timberlake have a great time! Independence Day activities were not slowed by these soaking rain storms!
As the climbers had a blast in the Mike’s indoor climbing wall and overhang wall, many campers had success on all three ropes! The kayakers were pushed inside today for a few classes; we watched instructional videos as well as some slow motion action shots for fun! In the outdoor classes for kayaking, Bailey M. and Cole J. helped teach the class hip snaps for rolling and wet exits! In guitar class much fun was had while working on chords. Bobby G. earned his gold in guitar today! Wrestling class worked on double leg takedowns with much success in all classes. Rocketry worked on their rockets in class. In pottery, the boys started working on the wheel Trey F. made an excellent bowl.
Tonight we were planning on celebrating our nations independence with fireworks at the mark, but due to rain, events have been postponed until Friday. Yet another fantastic day here at Timberlake!
Until tomorrow…
Counselor Mitch B.