Sunny Tuesday at Timberlake

Sunny Tuesday at Timberlake
After a period of rain we have now had two days of INCREDIBLE sun to enjoy around camp! With many of the session’s campers finishing up their last few days here, several campers earned bars in their activities today!
In Fencing Cooper D. and Jack M. earned silver bars while Will C., Julian W., Tyler S. and Clay W. earned bronze bars. In team sports Scott R, James B, and Will P earned their silver. Brooks M. earned his bronze in Archery. Rocketry had numerous launches today at Spencer’s Green. With these launches, these campers gained their silver bars: Trevor B, Charles D, Collin M, and Kip B.
Many other fun things occurred on camp with the much warmer, sunny weather. Mountain Biking campers, Jack M. and Logan B., shredded the Tomahawk Trail on a trip lead by Joe B. and Lawson K. They practiced using the “ready position” for balance. In guitar, many campers got a first try at reading music to play new songs! In kayaking the campers worked on T-rescues, bracing, and rolling. Several campers mastered their kayak rolls in class today.
All in all an excellent day here at Timberlake! We look forward to what tomorrow will bring in the last day of activities for this session!
Until tomorrow…
Counselor Mitch B.