Timberlake Tuesday

Timberlake Tuesday
One of the best things about working at a camp is seeing kids make new friends each and every day. Through all the campers here at Camp Timberlake I’ve learned so much from them and have been blessed so much to be able to build a healthy, supportive, and challenging lifestyle for these kids.
When Timberlake awoke this morning to biscuits and gravy, eggs, and hash browns the campers devoured their food knowing they will need it for their activities. A water skiing trip went out this morning and Nick B. really stood out of the group. He did awesome at wakeboarding on Lake Lure today! And the Greybeard cabin went to Black Balsam today for hiking and Frisbee and had a great time!
While back on camp Teddy O. traversed the traverse climbing wall for his first time ever in his life and was super excited about it! Colby F. and Jack D. made progress on their gold in fencing scoring a 5 out of 10 on their instructor. While Henry S., Diego R., and Chet L., all received their bronze in fencing. Zander Z., successfully launched his rocket for his silver in rocketry up on Spencers Green while soccer played World Cup.
On Lake Doris, in Kayaking Siddharth N., Walker L., and Nick B., all completed for tasks to earn their bronze! Soon they’ll be on the intermediate rivers crushing those white tops!
Tonight is cabin night where each cabin does a fun activity together. Whether that includes making food in the kitchen, sliding on the water slide or any other activity you can think of its bound to be a blast!
Counselor Brady R.