A Day of Timberlake
A Day of Timberlake
Today was an exquisite day at Camp Timberlake. As the session winds down to a close, the activities are heating up! Chapel today was given by the program director, Nick Bratcher. Many a bar were earned on this fine day. In Fencing, Jack D. and Colby F. hosted a tournament which Colby F. won. Both boys received their gold bars in fencing. In camp craft class, the boys learned how to purify water using chemical, pump, and boiling methods. This is an essential skill to have while on the trail! Climbing class was held in the Mike today, where the boys did some top rope climbing on the infamous overhang. A good time was has by all. Meanwhile at lake Doris Sid N., Scott S., and Frederico G. earned their silver bars in Swimming and John W., Alex N., and Henry S. earned their bronze bars. In the world of flight Randolph P. and Hank H. became one step closer to working for NASA by earning their bronze bars in Rocketry. The Kayakers worked on their wet exits, rolls, and braces, and flat water freestyle play boating (for the more advanced campers). The Canoeing classes worked on shallow water rescues, as well as advanced paddle strokes. In Archery the boys worked on learning to score their flights. The Guitarist worked on basic open chords and bar chords. After a delicious meal of cheese ravioli and carrots, the boys had a short tribe meeting to prepare for the epicness that is Commando! Who will win?
Well thats it for this edition of a Day of Timberlake, until next time.
Dylan S.
Proud Seminole and Greybeard Counselor