Action-packed Sunday

Action-packed Sunday
John Menendez - July 6th 2014
As the camp recovered from a record-low temperature the last two nights, the sun came out this morning and quickly warmed the campers as they rose from their beds. The brief cool was a nice change for a little while, but everyone was ready for the hot summer sun again. In the morning, before breakfast even began to be cooked, three campers rose from their solo night camping and trekked back to camp. James Belt, Cody Sutten, and Matthew Arietta were the three men who braved the woods alone last night and came out victorious as the sun rose. Breakfast continued on as usual, the campers did a mighty Morning Yell, and then continued to Chapel. Here they sang some of their favorite songs – and then things switched up a bit.
Since Timberlake’s initiation happened last night, immediately after chapel there was a short ceremony. The recently initiated campers, who had slept with paint on their faces all night, were brought up front in order to decide the “Ugliest Camper” of them all. Ugliest camper, in order to clarify, simply refers to the camper who has accumulated and retained the most paint upon their face/hair from the initiation ceremony. One lucky boy won to great cheers and applause from his peers, and the new initiates were then able to wash their faces clean from their tribal paint. Campers then proceeded to cabin cleanup for a bit, and then the daily activities commenced.
Over on the lower ropes course, the backpacking class worked on teamwork skills and how to properly use and pack tarps, employing their climbing skills and their nimbleness to complete activities. In soccer, Jack Belt improved largely on his shooting skill, a game called Poise and Finesse was played, and Oran and Santiago dominated in the recently-invented game of Wonderball.
While all of this was happening, there was a kayaking trip out on the mighty Tuck. James Belt, Ben Naso, Scott Rostick, Devin Haddigan, and Jack Roty all bumped and slid down some raging rapids and came home tired but victorious.
Lunch was served – some good meatball subs alongside some pulled pork sandwiches, and it was revealed that the Iroquois tribe wonboth the Commando and Sock War activities from the last two nights, to great applause. The clothing store was open for the campers to get some needed shirts and supplies, and the campers were off for free time. The men enjoyed some candy, an open archery range, and some time to relax and hang out.
Afternoon activities resumed again and much was accomplished. Blake Covert improved on his mountain biking abilities on the Tomahawk trail. In the airsoft arena, Conrad Alford earned his bronze bar. Out on the lake, Will Hannah, Connor Gunn, and Reed all participated in an advanced canoe class in white-water boats. Among the kayak crew, Kevin R., Ford L., and Diego S. learned how to successfully complete a roll on the water. Nearby, the swimming class worked on their breaststroke, and Will Cavo, Henry Broshar, and Dravis Ryan demonstrated good enthusiasm and skillful kicking throughout the period. On the wrestling mats, the group worked on half-nelsons and half-nelson defense. Blake Cover and Matt A. excelled at this. Not twenty feet away, Seth B. got one step closer to his gold bar as the men crossed swords in epic fencing battles.
The camp paused from the fun for a quick group picture, and then they were off to a dinner of fried chicken and rolls. Immediately after, the campers gathered for an epic tribal showdown in the game of El Presidente, a game of confusion, disguise, and socks. Worn down and likely sweaty, all of the cabins then went off to do another activity with just them and their counselors. Some played airsoft, some played cards, and others hiked up the Tomahawk trail in order to spend the night in the free air of the outdoors.
Today was a Sunday filled with energy, fun, and adventure. The rest of this session will continue on in the same manner as we all look forward to what is to come.
Go Iroquois.
Counselor Davis