A Great First Day

A Great First Day
It was the first day of a new summer at Timberlake, and as the sun broke over the beautiful mountains we are fortunate enough to call home, everyone knew just how special of a day it was going to be. Campers and staff alike were treated to a meal of French toast and bacon, and as soon as everyone had eaten enough to last them through the morning, Timberlake met outside for the morning yell.
After proclaiming their presence to the heavens, Timberlake went back up to the hill for chapel, where director Dan Singletary spoke to the camp. After he had finished, Timberlake got ready for one of its best and longest-running traditions, the Ugliest Camper Contest.
During the Ugliest Camper, campers scream according to the amount of paint left on a first year’s camper’s face from the previous night’s Initiation. This session, Eli C. was crowned as the ugliest camper, and joined a rather exclusive group with his victory.
Timberlake then transitioned to cabin cleanup, and once the cabins were spotless, left for first activity. Down at Lake Doris, Henry M. worked on his kayaking roll, and ended up relearning it after a whole year off. Later that morning, James B. and Michael R. laced up their golden boots and played great on the soccer pitch. In Wrestling, two Jacks, Jack A. and Jack E. teamed up to instruct their fellow campers on stances, takedowns, and sprawls.
Once the morning activities had ended, everyone went down to lunch for a uniquely camp lunch, Tacos in a Bag. The dining hall was silent as everyone chowed down on one of their favorite meals.
Next came the best time, rest time, which was followed by free time. The climbing boulder on Spencer’s Green was open and campers flocked up to try their hand at bouldering.
Third activity followed free time, and Trey F., Quinn M., Jack E., and James B. all hopped in kayaks and rolled in their boats. In Archery, Calvin T. and Ethan B. seemed to channel their inner Robin Hood and shot bull’s-eyes. Next was fourth period and in Climbing, Mike A. and Seth B. showed off their natural talents. In Canoeing, Mateo J. proved to be a natural and on the other side of camp in Team Sports, Erik Z. caught the winning touchdown while Henry T. and Spencer G. worked on running routes.
Soon came dinner and Timberlake and with it came the announcement of the evening activity, Upper Cabins WONDERBALL and Lower Cabins Capture the Flag. As I write this, the campers are battling it out in the second tribal competition of the summer, which could prove vital in the race for the banner.
All in all, it was a great day at camp, and one that no one will soon forget. It’s days like today that remind each and every one of us fortunate enough to be here just how special this place can be.
Charlie Richards
Cabin Area Director
Tennis Counselor
Proud Seminole
UGA Class of 2017