And Then There Was One

And Then There Was One
Today was the last full day of the First session here at camp, and boy was it packed full of fun! We had an awesome group of guys return from a backpacking trip to Catawba Falls, which had Edward N., Wyatt S., Hudson S., Luca T., and Zach S. who were under the wonderful guidance of Counselors Daniel P. and James M. On another note, Mason B., Aiden K., Keegan K., and Mike A. went on a super awesome climbing trip to Grandmother Boulder…and many climbs were made.
While those campers were having a blast on their trips, there were some pretty exceptional things happening back at Camp! Starting at the lake, Tyler K., got his Silver Bar in swimming, and Witt S. made some amazing strides! Down in the rocketry hut, Jack B. taught a whole rocketry class which clinched his Gold bar. Out on the archery range Will S. shot an apple. Wow, what a feat! Up on Spencer’s Green we had some exciting activities going on as well. Team Sports and Soccer classes combined and played a few exhilarating games of Soccer and Wonderball, while the climbers learned to rappel at the upper tower. Just a short walk away in the Mark, the Wrestling classes were hard at work. Will S., won an intense game of Toe Tag, and the Greybeard cabin had a wrestling tournament that Jack E., won.
At lunch today, all enjoyed a hearty meal of pizza, and at dinner we enjoyed a delicious meal of brisket, potatoes, and broccoli. The kitchen definitely did a stellar job today! We also want to give congratulations to the campers and counselors of Big Slaty for their victory in the Cabin Cleanup contest…enjoy your pizza boys!
Sadly, this is the last full day of the First Session of the summer. It has been an incredible whirlwind of fun, friends, and excitement. As this session comes to a close, we are took time to reflect on our experiences here at camp during our Final Campfire, and honor Jack E., Quinn M., Ben B., and Grant M., and they receive the highest honor at camp, Little Chief. Following the Final Campfire, we played an awesome game of Commando, and much fun was had.
It has been a great First Session here at Timberlake!
Until Next Time,
Dylan Scaringelli
Greybeard Counselor and Proud Seminole