Welcome to 3A!

Welcome to 3A!
Good Evening Parents,
Every year we labor to find an employee who has just the right blend of computer skills coupled with a background in photography. This year we hit the jackpot with our social media director, Lauren Geerken and professional photographer, Dave Johnson. Lauren is a communications expert (also with photography skills) who is excited about the opportunity to maintain our online presence and assist you in viewing what is going on here with your campers and Dave has many years under his belt as a professional photographer and is guaranteed to improve the quality of what our families will see each day.
Each day we assign a counselor (or two) to roam around camp snapping pictures of what is going on. We also get cameras out on the many trips that we take during each session. Usually after the evening activity that counselor is given the task of writing an article to let you know what happened for that day. You will see things like bar requirements earned (goals that the campers strive for in each of the activities), trips that went out, frogs that were caught (and by whom), tribal results for the evening activities, food that was eaten, evening trading post raids that happened (campers dressed like ninjas of course), and most recently campers who were initiated into their tribes. Each camper went into the tribal teepee tonight and came out a proud new member of the Seminole or Iroquois tribe! Here is a list of those initiated tonight:
Seminoles: Seamus G, Patrick M, Connor M, Cole S, Maximillian T, Kai W, Charlie W, and Alex W.
Iroquois: Sam G, Nicholson B, Peter B, Mitchell G, Jonathan H, Sam M, Patrick P, and Matthew S.
So why do we run this website? Because we want you to be able to be caught up in the story of Camp Timberlake! By doing this we are giving you a one way mirror into what all we do here while camp is in session. As you will see we have a lot of fun! Chances are that you will see your boy on this website in the coming days, but if not, please be patient with us. It takes a while to get everyone on camera. We are going to do quite a few “cabin shots” to try to help with this. But I can promise that you will be able to know what all is going on here and in some cases even before the campers do. If you are having trouble navigating it or logging on please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
We are so grateful to have your boys with us this summer!
Dan Singletary