It seems as if the echos of the last morning yell of the session are still reverberating off the mountains that surround Timberlake, yet we are already hard at work preparing for next summer! Walking around camp this morning, the sound of clanging hammers greeted my ears as construction is already underway in the cabin of Stomper’s Knob.
We are putting in a brand new bathroom in Stomper’s Knob and while this may seem like a small detail, it is one that we are really excited about. If you’re wondering “why is John so excited about new toilets and flooring”?, the answer is simple: we want everything about your son’s camp experience to be excellent. We want it to be the best that it can possibly be. From adding a ‘healthy bar’ at meals to give our boys more options for good nutrition, to updating the riflery range this summer, to the thousands of water balloons filled up for each game of Commando, and yes, even down to the bathrooms we use to shower and stay clean.
Here at Timberlake, we are constantly talking about growth through friends and adventure. It’s something we love to see and celebrate in our campers. But it’s also something we want to model for our boys as a camp. Sometimes the growth and adventures are obvious, like the advanced kayakers who are preparing to take on some of the most challenging and beautiful whitewater around in Costa Rica this December. Sometimes it’s less obvious, like a boy shooting his first grouping on that new riflery range, or returning to camp to joyfully find that old friendships pick up right where they left off last summer, and that new ones form quickly and seamlessly. Sometimes it’s as simple as a brand new bathroom.
Each of these moments is a part of the journey, and they all matter. It’s a journey that we here at Timberlake are honored to make alongside your boys as they grow into young men. So here’s to you Stomper’s Knob, and here’s to the boys that will call you home next summer!
283 Days until camp,