The Final Campfire

The Final Campfire
As the sun arose on this final day of camp, the weather was perfect. Not to hot, not to cold, but just right! When the bells chimed signaling it was to eat, the boys were fed a spectacular waffle breakfast! As soon as everyone had had enough food, it was outside for the morning yell!
In chapel, Carter B. told an ironic tale of the time he became stuck while trying to repel over a cliff during his BME trip and had to be saved. Carter related this to the passage of Acts 17: 27-28. Much like how Carter was stuck, we are all stuck without God’s unfailing love and grace. As the closing prayer finished, the race for the cleanliest cabin was on! For today was the cabins’ last shot at the Golden Plunger! Not only would the daily winner be announced at lunch, but so would the overall winner!
Today was yet another busy day in the life of Camp Timberlake. Loads of trips went out to give the guys a chance to test their skills in new areas. Paintball took a trip to the new camp property where they played paintball all morning and afternoon, and then concluded the trip with a swim in the new lake! Meanwhile back at camp, the guys learned how to make gourmet grilled cheeses. My favorite one was a provolone and swiss mix with bacon and arugula! Yummm. Up on Spencer’s Green, Jay W. taught the last class of wrestling! Down on Lake Dorris, Mason B. did a perfect front flip off the diving board, and lots of guys learned how to roll in the kayaks!
Soon enough it was time for lunch, and if that didn’t make the guys happy, the fact that it was PIZZA DAY surely did! Never can there ever be such excitement at lunch then there is on pizza day! Maybe it was just the pizza that made everybody eat fast, but then again, maybe it was the long awaited announcement of cleanliest cabin. And the winner? Greybeard!! Greybeard is now two for two and don’t seem to be turning back anytime soon. Also it was announced that the Seminole won El Presidente!!! GOO NOLES!
After rest time and free time, it was time for the daily activities to star back up. Parker K. taught tennis today for his Gold! All the guys in guitar learned how to play All Star too! Team sports and soccer classes combined to play an epic game of Wonderball!
As the 5 o’clock bells whistled, it was time for dinner! On tonight’s menu, brisket, potatoes, and corn, with chocolate cake for dessert, Talk about a filling meal! The evening activity announcement was soon to follow! Tonight, the guys will have the final campfire, followed by and awesome game of commando! I can’t wait to see who wins!
Well, as the the night comes, the morning is right around the corner. Sadly, this means that most of our guys will be leaving camp. However, it really has been an awesome time here at camp and we can not wait for them all to come back next year! Session 1, it’s been awesome!
Signing off,
Nick L.
Stompers Knob Counselor
Proud Seminole
“Beginner Photographer”