Break Out the Honey Bears

Break Out the Honey Bears
Today stated off with a slight chill, but that didn’t stop the guys of Timberlake from heading down to the dining hall for a tasty breakfast of sausage, eggs, hashbrowns, and biscuits. As always, the biscuits–and any excuse to break out the honey bears–were a big hit. After breakfast, Dakota M. told a story about a time a truck driver endangered himself to avoid hitting the car Dakota was in. He connected this story to the way that Jesus took all the punishment we deserved on himself to spare us.
During the first set of activities the guys in rocketry put the finishing touches on their rockets with a little help from their counselors and a couple cans of spray paint. What’s the point of launching a rocket if it won’t look good doing it? Next door, the campers in pottery got busy on their pieces, and they got a lot of good practice time in on the wheels. A couple of the guys even got a pot ready to be fired today, and pretty soon they’ll be able to start glazing them!
Again, once lunch rolled around, there was no stopping the wave of hungry boys from descending upon the dining hall like the eleventh plague of Egypt, but what they found inside was much nicer than that. For lunch, everybody had as many sub sandwiches as they could even think to eat. After stuffing themselves, the boys found rest time to be a welcome addition to the day, taking thirty minutes to relax and reflect on the day.
During the next set of activities, the wrestling class played a couple games of toe tag and light-side dark-side while soccer and team sports got together for one big game of soccer taking up all of Spencer’s Green. On down the hill at the guitar hut, Dandre W. walked the guitar class through some popular chord changes. Right before dinner, all the guys that were out on trips came back to camp. Of particular interest were the canoeing, backpacking, and waterskiing trips. Grady R. and Issac L. had a great time whitewater canoeing and did a great job making it down the river. The backpacking trip was a two-night trip, and everyone got back safely and everyone really enjoyed Dylan C.’s backwoods cooking. John Michael F. had a lot of fun on the waterskiing trip and definitely worked up an appetite out on the water, which came in handy when we went to dinner.
For dinner, we had roasted pork with peas and scalloped potatoes, a full homestyle meal. At the end of dinner, Bryan V. announced that the evening activity would not be a game as usual, but that we would be participating in one of the camp’s most important ceremonies, Little Chief. The chiefs, med-men, lookouts, and staff from each tribe headed to the volleyball courts to get painted up, while the rest of the campers headed up to the archery range. This is where I leave you now, though as the ceremony winds down, I’m sure that all the guys will appreciate the surprise slip-and-slide and shaving cream war!
In Christ,
Preston S.
Guitar Instructor
Stomper’s Knob Counselor
Proud Iroquois