A Saturday to Remember

A Saturday to Remember
Welcome Back! Hope everyone’s Saturday is going well!
We awoke to another bright & sunny morning here at Camp TL! We enjoyed delicious french toast sticks and hearty sausages for breakfast! Today for chapel we had the pleasure of hearing our beloved Program d=Director, Charlie R. speak on his youth and how God is really like a Father to us. He protects us from harm, encourages us to be overcome fear, and most importantly he loves us with all his heart! Long story short, it was definitely a chapel to remember.
Today was another adventurous day at camp for our boys!
John Porter S. and Grady R. battled it out and both received their bronze bars in Fencing, and we couldn’t be prouder! Meanwhile over in Riflery, Jake F. is quickly achieving his requirements for his bronze. Wish him luck! In Airsoft Isaac L. was able to showcase some of his skills today! Let’s hope he gets the marks he deserves! Over on Spencer’s Green, Christian S. finally received his gold in Soccer! HOORAY!
It would be a shame if we didn’t talk about the waterfront on such glorious day!
Today, Dash challenged the Waterfront Director to a diving competition! After this battle of athletic prowess the director emerged bruised, embarrassed, and fairly beaten. Dash graciously offered to instruct Flynn on proper diving technique!
Due to the perfect weather conditions, the rocketry program proceeded to commence numerous launches. Thus leading to Alex C. David S. Porter S. Charles T. Joe L. Grant S. to get their bronze bars! Charles S. Hays L. Tristan J. Cole S. Jack W. also received their silvers!
Last but not least, Chancellor K. achieved his gold in the Rocketry program. I think I see the beginnings of a rocket scientist here at camp!
For lunch, we were treated to a true camp delicacy… MINI CORN DOGS AND MAC & CHEESE!!! Oh, and believe me, we enjoyed it quite thoroughly. So much so that we all agreed that the hardworking kitchen staff deserved a round of applause!
After an appreciated rest time and a few more classes, we were treated to a delicious creation that somehow retains all the enjoyment of a hearty burrito while also kept to the form of a casserole. BURRITO CASSEROLE!!! You guessed it! Which foreshadowed our next tribal activity…
This game requires true teamwork and the most advanced of seeking techniques! I sure am glad we have your boys! Otherwise these games would never happen! As I am writing this I hear the chants and hollers of both mighty tribes. You better believe as soon as I am finished here, I will be there to cheer both teams on!
Well that’s it for today, until next time I suppose. Have a wonderful evening!
Till next time!
Joshua M.
Proud Seminole
Pottery Instructor
Huntington University