A Terrific Timberlake Tuesday!

A Terrific Timberlake Tuesday!
It’s official our first full day at Camp Timberlake for the summer of 2021 is complete! It did not disappoint. Reveille sounded at seven this morning and the campers rushed over to The Tuck to enjoy a fantastic breakfast of cheesy eggs, sausage links, biscuits, and fresh fruit. After breakfast, two out of camp trips pulled out for a day of adventure on the water rafting and kayaking.
The kayaking trip went out to the Lower Green River and included:
Benjamin E, Banks P, TJ E, Will A and David F
Our first rafting trip of the year went out to the French Broad River with:
Miles A, Alex B, Tucker C, Nate G, Wyatt G, Hays M, Jayden S, Connall S, Carter T, Case M, Henry O, and Chase V
Back at camp, we began our activities, and the campers quickly began to pick up new skills and interests! A backpacking class enjoyed a nature walk on the trails surrounding the backpacking hut. Campers learned about different trees and plants. In canoeing, the boys had the opportunity to practice their stroke skills in the lake and gain confidence in the water. London A, Bubba L, Hayes D, Robbie G, Benjamin G, AJ M, and Robert W finished off class by paddling the Voyager canoe (our giant 1o person canoe) all the way across the lake and back. Campers at mountain biking practiced braking, gear shifting, and the neutral ready position on their bikes.
After quite the morning at camp, the boys developed a large appetite and enjoyed the famous Camp Timberlake walking-taco in a bag where we put meat and toppings into a bag of Fritos. When lunch was over we heard some announcements including the results from this morning’s cabin inspection. Greybeard was the cleanest cabin of all but Big Piney and Huckleberry also finished with high marks. We also revealed the winner of last night’s game of sock war and it was … THE BLACK BEARS. Black Bear Campers screamed with joy and then sang their tribe fight song and hymn.
With campers being well relaxed from rest time, they began their afternoon activities.
In pottery, everyone picked up on making coil pots quickly. At Spencer’s Green, the boys played a game of touch football and practiced juggling the soccer ball. At the riflery ranges, campers were introduced to firearm safety and the parts of the gun. A little rain didn’t slow down our disc golfers as Richard B, James G, Dylan G, Evan L and Henry L enjoyed a round on the ‘front 9’.
For dinner, we enjoyed pasta with meatballs and red sauce, along with chocolate chip cookies for dessert! After dessert, we announced the game of the Evening: The Great Escape! Stay tuned for the outcome of the game! Overall, our Campers had a fantastic first full day at camp, and we cannot wait to see the growth that is to come within the boys in the coming days!
Until Tomorrow!
Adam Viener
Finch’s Landing Counselor
Proud Black Bear