It’s finally Opening Day!
It’s finally Opening Day!
It’s finally Opening Day! Summer 2021 is finally here, and I can’t remember a summer where there has been more excitement and anticipation to get things kicked off. As I sit down to type this article, the sounds of a raucous game of Sock War are ringing throughout camp as the quest for the first session banner begins. In case you’re wondering what Sock War is, picture a giant capture the flag style game where you throw balled-up socks to tag out your opponents. And if you’re wondering what the banner is, well, it’s the ultimate prize at the camp of course. Each session our two tribes, the Golden Eagles and the Black bears, compete each night in legendary games. These games are tallied up through the session, and at the end, a champion is crowned. This afternoon we initiated lots of new Golden Eagles and Black Bears into their tribes, and it is sure to be a fun and hard-fought summer of epic games here at camp.
Our new Golden Eagles are:
Miles A, Edward B, Shepard B, Thomas B, Grant C, Griffin C, Merrick C, Loren C, Tucker C, James de L, Hudson W, William G, Quinn W, Benjamin G, Carson W, Clay K, Briggs L, William M, Rhys M, West M, Cole O, James R, Rhodes R, Rylan S, Jack S, Ralston S, Carter T, Bridges T, Henry K, Trell P, Jackson W, Knox W, Mose C, Robber G
Our new Black Bears are:
Ashton A, Tony B, Baine B, Grayson C, Landon C, Robert C, Griggs C, Cage D, Hayes D, Reed D, Jaxson F, Bates F, Henry VJ, Charlie H, Matt H, Macon J, Juan Jose L, AJ M, Davis M, Ross M, Bryce R, Hayden R, Will R, Charlie S, Connall S, Lewis S, MacRae E, Andrew I, Robert W, Hudson E, Graeme W, Dylan H.
As much fun as we have competing with one another in our tribal activities, at the end of the day, we are one Camp Timberlake family. Today we got to welcome our family back to the mountains or maybe for the first time. As the cars rolled in, it was so much fun seeing the excitement on everybody’s faces as we kicked off another amazing summer.
I think my favorite part of Opening Day, however, is once the parents leave (sorry guys) and our campers all begin to get to know each other or to reconnect after a year (or two years!) away from Timberlake. Boys got settled into their cabins, unpacked, and spent time getting to know their counselors. We fueled up for our evening of fun with a delicious meal of Fried Chicken, Mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad. Then we hit the ground running! Many happy weeks of friendship and adventure lie ahead for our campers this summer, and we are so thankful for every one of them. Thanks for sharing your guys with us and please be sure to check back here every night for a blog and lots of photos from the day.
Until tomorrow!
John Menendez
Timberlake Director
Proud Golden Eagle
Resident Sock War Enthusiast