Good Monday Vibes at Timberlake
Good Monday Vibes at Timberlake
Nobody likes Mondays… except for at Camp! The bugle sounded to signal a new day at Camp Timberlake and everyone rushed down to the Tuck to practice their shape matching with geometry breakfast! (Geometry breakfast is just sausage, eggs, biscuits, and hashbrowns in a patty form to create custom sandwiches.) I think it would be an understatement to say that geometry breakfast is one of the best meals at Timberlake. Following breakfast (and the daily morning yell) everyone migrated to chapel once again to sing songs together and to hear a message about who God is by Finch’s Landing own counselor Seth B.
While everyone was busy having a dandy time in their activities, some boys got to travel to the great beyond on some awesome trips. Joseph B, Grant H, Will M, Alexander S, Bo S, and Samuel C. all got to enjoy the beautiful North Carolina mountains and forest on an overnight backpacking trip that will get back tomorrow. Meanwhile, Ford B, Maverick H, Davis O, Hays S, and Spencer V. all got to go on an incredibly fun and complicated kayaking/mountain biking/overnight backpacking hybrid trip that is truly one of a kind. Lastly, the entire cabin of Little Piney got to go on an awesome trip to the Upper Creek Falls, where they swam in a beautiful swimming hole and rode on some sliding rock slides. Returning to camp, morning activities were busy as usual. There was a constant threat of downpour throughout the day, but that was nothing compared to Lance K, Jackson G, Christian S, and Cole R. who, were all walking BUCKETS and got their silvers in basketball. Canoeing and swimming also joined forces to construct the closest thing humanity has to the Death Star out of canoes and paddles. They were terrorizing the kayaking class with their constant threat of planetary destruction via rapid splashing.
After morning activities, the Tuck bell rang, once again to draw all the campers back in for some incredible Philly Beef Sandwiches with crinkle fries and some bangin’ cantaloupe. After philling up (ha get it?) on delicious grub, everyone hurried back to their cabins to take a quick cat nap before jumping into free time. During the free-est time at camp, everyone was down on the beach playing spikeball and nine square; while also chowing down on some satisfying trading post delicacies.
The bugle sounded once again to send everyone to their afternoon activities. Field Sports was up tremendously as Grant H, Evans T, Alex W, Colton R, and Cole R. all earned their silvers after an afternoon of flinging discs and dropping dimes. Christian S. also channeled his inner Patrick Mahomes this afternoon to achieve his GOLD bar in Field Sports. Bravo! All of these guys all took a huge step towards their next promotion … and possibly even to get their LITTLE CHIEF! Following evening activities, all the hungry campers sprinted back down to the dining hall to enjoy some creamy Chicken Alfredo with breadsticks and fudge popsicles for dessert. Yesss! Then the sultan of fun (Winston) screamed “AND NOWWWW” to signal the announcement of the evening activity … SEARCH AND DESTROY!! Camp is coming to a close for the summer. However, every camper is cherishing the moments they have left with their friends at this wonderful place.
Josh Krispin
Further Up Counselor
Proud Golden Eagle