Just Another Day in Mystic Loveliness

Just Another Day in Mystic Loveliness
Good morning Camp Timberlake it’s a nnneeewwwwww day! That’s how most days start here on the property and to keep you updated with all of the happenings of the day it’s your favorite reporter, Spencer. The kids started off their morning with the breakfast of champions, that being, coffee cake and egg casserole. After that lovely breakfast, your campers went to Chapel and sang many songs and then eventually on to clean the cabins.
After the events of the morning, the campers went on to their 1st and 2nd period classes in which the literal rocket scientists of rocketry went on a field trip to our famous Spyglass Hill and were wowed by the intricacies of physics and how rockets work. There was something off about this morning, “Hey where are the mighty men of Greybeard? I’m glad you asked (or didn’t), they are on their inaugural Greybeard trip. On this trip, they were going to putt-putt and then an Asheville Tourists baseball game. Another off property group is the RADICALLLL MOUNTAIN BIKERSSSS (Dakota M., Elliot A., Sully R., Grayson B., Owen M., and Hayes T.), who shredded the gnar today at Fonta Flora. Joining the radical mountain bikers off property were the STEEZYYY ‘YAKERS (Luke S., Grayson W., Sam J., Luke B., James B., Nicholas R., and Ben H.), who went full send down the Tuckasegee.
Back on property, we had a few people who went above and beyond and did more than they had to do and earned bars in their activities. One of these people was Dominic P. who earned his bronze bar in pickleball earlier this morning, that’s one step closer to becoming Tyson McGuffin. Another rather impressive milestone that happened today was Owen G. and Will M. receiving their bronze bars in fitness.
Moving along to our afternoon we had an epic lunch of Italian subs and pretzel bites, Yummy! In the activity of pickleball camper Adams H. pickled counselor Joseph D., for those who don’t know what that means, it means he beat him 11-0. Now that’s some talent. Our master potters (not of the Harry variety) finalized some of their creations today such as Case M. who made a massive dragon, I bet it’s awesome.
Moving on to our nightly procedures, we have quite a few tonight. First off with the young-ins, junior camp, are doing COPA DELLLL RIOOO which is a massive soccer game that is bound to be a great time. Good luck to our little ones down there and GO EAGLES!!! Next up is our intermediate camp, who is playing the classic camp game of SOCK WAR! That is one of our favorite games here, and I bet the kids are having a blast. Finally, we have the oldest and (sometimes) wisest of our campers those being the men of senior camp. Tonight, they are having cabin night. Some notable events include free swims, Piney Wars, Canoe Jousting, fires and so much *S’more*! That’s all I have for today. I hope this was informative and let y’all in on a bit of what it’s like over here.
Spencer Marchant
2x Banner Winning Golden Eagle Chief
Airsoft / Paintball Hotshot
Certified Pickleballer