Final Campfire of Third Session!

Final Campfire of Third Session!
What’s up TimberFAM, today has been a phenomenal last day at camp. The weather was perfect for an epic day of adventure. We started off the day with a great breakfast of hashbrowns, eggs, and sausage, which was followed by the best morning yell of the summer. We then headed into our final cabin cleanup and activities of the session. At lunch we had a camp favorite, PIZZA! The campers also found out who won the Golden Plunger, this is the cabin that was the cleanest for the whole session, and it went to Little Slaty. They may or may not have used some British cleaning tricks, we are unsure. The campers had a great rest of the day with their final activities which was followed by the classic dinner of Hawaiian meatballs. At dinner the campers found out that tonight we would be doing our Final Campfire.
As is tradition for the last day of the session, today we will be doing our Final Campfire ceremony, which is very similar to our Little Chief ceremony. Here the campers are recognized for many different things, such as, getting their bars in activities, camper and counselor commendations, and moving up in our Little Chief promotion system. Earning the rank of Scout tonight: Turner B, Bennett B, Colin G, Dhilan G, Kent K, Chance M, Davis O, Glenn S, Cole T, and Titus W. A scout wears a white band.
Earning the rank of Guide tonight: J. Taggart A, John Grady M, Ross M, Connor P, Robert R, Pierce S, and Arav S. A Guide wears a yellow band.
Earning the rank of Pioneer tonight: Liles F, Cole G, William H, Harry K, and Luca M. A Pioneer wears an orange band.
In Junior camp, the highest promotion that one can receive is the rank of Ranger, these are very rare to give out. Earning the rank of Ranger tonight: John H, Tyler R, Nick VS, and Richard F. A Ranger wears a black and white band.
Earning the rank of Tracker tonight: Hays C, Sam H, Franklin P, Nick Q, and David T. A tracker wears a green band.
Earning the rank of Hunter tonight: Turner B, Stephen G, and Matthew H. A hunter wears a blue band.
Earning the rank of Warrior tonight: Reynolds A, Jack P, Jack S, Grant S, and Kaito T. A warrior wears a red band.
Earning the rank of Pathfinder tonight: Oliver G. A Pathfinder wears a black band.
The highest rank that one can receive at Timberlake is the rank of Little Chief. We are extremely proud of the young men who are able to achieve this and we do not give this promotion out very often at all. Earning their Little Chief tonight, Declan Q!
Each cabin also has its own commendations. The counselor and camper commendations are voted on before each ceremony.
In the cabin of Huckleberry earning the counselor commendation: Peter M and earning the camper commendation: Abel F.
In the cabin of Finches Landing earning the counselor commendation: Luke F and earning the camper commendation: Colin G.
In the cabin of Further Up earning the counselor commendation: Dhilan G, William H, and Tyler T and earning the camper commendation: John Grady M, Liles F, and Ford C.
In the cabin of Further In earning the counselor commendation: Gates O and Cole G and earning the camper commendation: Bennett B.
In the cabin of TigerTooth earning the counselor commendation: Watts G, Robert R, and SJ G and earning the camper commendation: Alex M, Cole T, and Turner B.
In the cabin of Hawksbill earning the counselor commendation: J Taggart A and Glenn S and earning the camper commendation: Ross M and Kent K.
In the cabin of Turtleback earning the counselor commendation: John H, Brooks H, and Richard F and earning the camper commendation: John H and Harry K.
In the cabin of Little Piney earning the counselor commendation: Braddock C and Liam T and earning the camper commendation: Liam T and Tommy F.
In the cabin of Big Piney earning the counselor commendation: Matthew H and Nolan O and earning the camper commendation: Matthew H and Baxter L.
In the cabin of Stomper’s Knob earning the counselor commendation: David C and Reynolds A and earning the camper commendation: Simeon T and Turner B.
In the cabin of Little Slaty earning the counselor commendation: David T and Jonas M and earning the camper commendation: Henry B and Jack S.
In the cabin of Big Slaty earning the counselor commendation: Bay J and earning the camper commendation: Jonah N.
In the cabin of Greybeard earning the counselor commendation: Drew H and Henry O and earning the camper commendation: EJ B and Drew H.
Tonight is a very special night for many reasons, but the biggest one may be that it is the Greybearders last night of camp as a camper. They are all able to give a speech to all of camp and it tends to be one of their lasting memories of camp. This is the final moment for them as campers before they cross the bridge to be on staff!
Signing off for the night,
Jake Highfield
Archery Olympian
Junior Camp Expert
Loudest Counselor