Good evening Timberlake!!! Happy Tropical Tuesday folks!


It has been a hot second since I have written one of the farticles and I am SOOOO ecstatic to be back writing for you. Today was a GLORIOUS day! We started off with some waffle sticks and bacon in the morning. After that we made our way downstairs for the MoRnInG yElL! The morning yell today was done by David R. After that we made our way over to the Chapel to worship our lovely Jesus. After singing our hearts out we had a chance to hear a true story with David R. Today the verse was 1 Timothy 6:11-12 which reads “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” It was important this morning to take time to reflect on the words of Paul. Then, we went to CLEAN THOSE CABINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After cleaning our cabins, we made our way to the last day of Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday classes! It is so sad that this is the last day of those classes for these kids until NEXT SUMMER! However, we are all so excited to have all of your boys back at camp next summer. Camp has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me, as I am sure it is for all of your boys. Throughout these two weeks, there has been so much growth in the boys I have met. I am sure you are all ready for your boys to come back but at Camp Timberlake we will all miss them. After our first two periods, we made our way back to the Tuck for some chicken tendies and friessssssss. Best combo. No matter how old I get, that will always be my go to. Forever. The Golden Eagles and Black Bears took home a minor victory last night with the Black Bears winning the Senior camp game and Golden Eagles winning the Junior camp game. Cabin Cleanup today ended in a tie to win for Little Slaty and Tiger Tooth. We shall see tomorrow who wins the Golden Plunger.


We had an exciting day of achievements today… Cole G earned his silver in swimming today.  David T got his silver sitting groupings. In riflery Hunter B received his first bronze grouping. Additionally in riflery, Rigby K earned his bronze. Kendal C received his bronze in fishing!  John P and Matt S sheeshed the ocky way. Reid S earned his gold in canoeing today! Liam S completed his 1 match fire successfully. In rocketry earning bronze was Peter M, Rigby K, Simeon T, and Will MC. Earning silver is William H and earning gold is Grant S. Bay J, Matthew A, Thomas M received their gold in climbing! John Grady M earned his bronze in swimming today. In swimming, Cole G earned his silver. Kaito T earned his gold in Pickleball and Bay J earned his silver! On the courts in Tennis we have David T who earned his bronze.


Let us also recognize the amazing trips that went out today! We had a kayaking trip with Oliver G, Geo P, Wilson F, and Thomas M. Also on the water, we had a rafting trip with Evan F, Kent K, Charlie M, Duncan M, Glenn S, John H, Malachi W, Cole T, Richard F, Cash K, Connor P, and Hunter B. For our intermediate and junior campers, there was a day hike with Titus W, Cole G, Cyrus O, Michael B, Powers T, and Pierce S.


After lunch, we continued to have the best time REST TIME. I have taught the kids in Finch’s landing Solitaire and that has been the go to for  the best time. It never fails to entertain me. Free time was open for a multitude of activities such as paintball, pottery, and climbing. Every camper today was able to enjoy a free swim which was SUPER EXCITING! Then, we continued on to the last two periods of Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday classes. Dinner was a treat as well with pasta, meatballs, broccoli, and biscuits! YUM! Dessert was M&M cookies and they were warm and gooey. The question after scarfing down the food is always WHAT WILL THE EVENING ACTIVITY BE??? COMMANDO! Who doesn’t love water balloon fights???? I wish I could partake!


I am excited for the opportunity to meet some of you during the closing ceremony and pickup. It has been a pleasure being here and working with your sons! And with that I shall close out… Once again I wish you all a happy tropical Tuesday and I shall see you all soon!


Alexandra Gayton


Finch’s Landing Cabin Mom!

Pottery Enthusiast

Go Black Bears!!! Let’s do a clean sweep for the banner AYO