Costa Rican Adventure

Costa Rican Adventure
Here at Timberlake adventure is woven into every activity and trip that we have, both in western North Carolina and internationally. A typical day at camp in the summertime might have a mountain biking trip to a local trail system, overnight climbing trip out to a crag, and canoe trip to a favorite lake spot, all available to campers with the adequate skills. The very techniques that are taught on the climbing tower or on the lake are building confidence for the opportunities out on the surrounding trails and rivers. Combined with the Timberlake comradery and culture, our expeditions become a catalyst for a boys’ skill development and character to flourish.
Over the past winter break eight of our campers travelled to Costa Rica through our partner guide service Black Mountain Expeditions for a whitewater kayaking trip led by two Timberlake kayaking instructors and a local guide. The week-long adventure was a capstone event for some of our most advanced paddlers who have progressed summer after summer and the trip of a lifetime.
After meeting up at basecamp the group packed up and set out for the first section of the trip: a three day kayaking overnight moving down the Rio General and camping along the banks. Alongside seasoned guide Felipe and Autentico Adventure the boys dusted off their skills getting back in the boat and improved day after day. As the miles passed on the water the group grew closer, bonding over both stoke from the river and similar camp experiences. Even though all eight guys have been campers with us for years, they attended a variety of sessions and some met for the first time on this trip. Stories and memories from summers at camp were a common thread amongst the boys as they deepened old camp friendships and built new ones. Life on the river also brought responsibility as the team served their peers sharing the loads of campsite setup and meal time prep and cleanup. Each evening wrapped up a day of epic rapids, growing friendships, first-class food, and excitement for what the sunrise would bring.
When the three day overnight ended the group moved to a new river called the Saverge, known for the elevated rapids and beautiful views of the rainforest it snakes through. It was here where after days of paddling everyone dialed in their best and enjoyed the community on the water together. Shouts and encouragement could be heard as each person cheered on a big wave or congratulated a nice combat roll mid rapid. Leaving the river the group spent their last day along the shores of what looked like a beautiful deserted beach surfing the ocean waves. The blue sky and warm sand made for an awesome finale to traveling the rich Costa Rican landscapes.
Throughout a trip filled with numerous highlights several themes stood out: the resiliency that everyone showed improving their skills in the boat and becoming a more confident kayaker, the excitement to learn from the local culture and use their high school Spanish to connect and play with local kids, and the awe of God’s creation waking up riverside to mystic loveliness rising above the rainforest where scarlet macaws fly. It was an experience that will be remembered and go down with Timberlake as an impactful success.
It is because of our passion for high adventure that we offer opportunities for our campers to embark on expeditions, small and large. Investing in the next generation is ingrained into our culture and we hope to entrust a love for the sport and creation along the path.
Adventure is out there,
Caleb Owen
Assistant Director