Turkeytime at Timberlake!

Turkeytime at Timberlake!
IMAGE CAPTION – Thanksgiving fun at Timberlake
Well, it did snow here last Tuesday and that seems worth mentioning, but the biggest news to report is that I just got back from unloading the new waterslide from its delivery truck with Bobby, Stephen Owens, Christian, and Bryan Harris (It was almost two thousand pounds). Let me tell you guys, it is a thing of beauty! The anticipation of it has been intense, and we are excited to see it actually here. I have loaded a picture of it up above to the right where it now sits under the canoe shack. (Still mostly in the wrapper!)
On the counselor front
Adam Knott got to meet his favorite football player, Zach Thomas, #54 of the Miami Dolphins. And he also got to meet Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown (who played for his school, Auburn) Special note: although Director Dan loves Adam Knott and all of his Auburn counselors, he disdains Auburn’s football program. This could be due to some jealousy of how good they are compared to Ole Miss (his alma mater).
Matt Layton (who recently stated his intention of returning to camp this summer) is performing in a rock and roll band in Kentucky called “Tonight We Dance.”
Brent Bundrick and his brother Trey went to see the band U2 play a couple of weeks ago. Brent is thinking about returning to camp! He called last week, and is looking hard at it for this upcoming summer. Trey is doing really well at the University of Alabama as the intern for RUF.
Any Camper news?
Definitely! Stephen Owens and I recently went to Wilmington to promote camp and saw Matt Whipple at his house. He just got a new computer and it is really cool. From Wilmington, we headed over to Charlotte and hung out with the Nowokunski family. They were hilarious and Todd, their oldest boy is now planning on working at camp this summer as a CIT! Just before Thankgiving Annie (my wife) and I went over to Nashville where we attended a camp show at the home of Cody Wilhoit. He was doing great and wanted to wish everyone from camp a big hello!
I guess that is all for now. Have a great week!
P.S. Fried turkey tastes better than oven-cooked. I figured that out last week!