Earmuffs are in this season!

Earmuffs are in this season!
IMAGE CAPTION – Timbertastic offseason fun!
Just when you think that Spring is finally here, flowers begin to bloom and the sun starts
peeking through the clouds, then BAM! It snows and gets really cold at the moment you least expect
it. That moment for me came right when we (Bryan Harris, Stephen Owens, former tech guy at
Timberlake Scott “Swordfish” Russell and I) planned to camp and go flyfishing last weekend. Oh my
goodness was it ever rough. But the good news was that we had good gear and were actually able to
catch some nice trout on the river. Notice Stephen’s earmuffs…not cool. But we love him.
What’s going on with the waterslide?
Oh man is Bobby ever working hard on it! He tells me that it is all he thinks about. Up all
night brainstorming yada yada. I am always amazed by how much that guy does during the winter. If
you see him this summer tell him thank you for building that waterslide. My vote is that we call it
“the Bobbyslide.” I have included some great shots of the progress!
What about counselors?
Well, I saw Matt Layton the other day while he was on spring break. He came in to do some hiking with college friends. He was also with Kara Robinson, who ran the barn last summer (she grew up in Black Mountain) He said to say hello to all, and is pumped about Paintball this year. I hired Steve Hogan as the head of trip staff. Steve is as we say, old school Timberlake. He used to be a counselor back in the day, and he is absolutely the coolest guy ever. We also hired former counselor Paxton Little as trip staff, and he is a stud as well. Both these guys are really talented outdoorsmen who are thrilled to be guiding trips for us this summer.
So until next time!