When the cat’s away…
When the cat’s away…
Dan has gone out of town for a while because his sister is getting married. He left me (Stephen)
in charge of writing the blog. A lot of great things are happening to get camp ready for this
summer. Bobby has been working on the slide non-stop, and it’s really coming together. Several of
the supports are up and some of the pieces are actually put into place!
What have you been up to?
I’m glad you asked. Right now I spend about 90% of my day staring at Dan’s desk wishing he were
here and not in Mississippi. The other 10% is mostly spent getting the staff ready for this summer.
I just recently enrolled Bryan Harris in a Swiftwater Rescue class which will be very helpful for
the kayaking trips this summer.
How busy has everyone been lately, Stephen?
Let’s just say we’ve reached ludricrous speed.
How is the staff?
All the guys I’ve talked to are excited about this summer. Alex Deckard (Archery) as a part of
the UGA Ultimate Frisbee team recently qualified for Nationals, we wish their team the best. I’ll
get to see Steve Walton (Climbing), Joey Wang (Backpacking), and Adam Martin (Riflery) next weekend
at a Christian concert festival named “Cornerstone” in Orlando, FL. Most of the staff are taking
exams these next two weeks, so once they’re over the guys can fill their minds with important things
like how to efficiently raid a cabin.
Until then…
Stephen Owens (AKA- Esteban)