Miss camp yet?

Miss camp yet?
IMAGE CAPTION – Getting it done here at Timberlake!
So at long last after almost a full month of vacationing in both Mexico and coastal North
Carolina I am back to fill you in on what all is happening up here in the land of Timberlake. The
answer…not nearly as much as was going on the last time you were here, but plenty to mention. All
of us directors are scheduling out our homeshows for the year, and it has been nice to speak with
some of your parents to see how you guys are doing. Right now it is looking like I will be in
Florida a lot during the month of November, so you Floridians please let me know if you are
interested in hosting a meeting in your town.
Any contact with our counselors? Of course! I spoke with Alex Deckard a couple of days ago and
he asked me to send him a contract to work for next year. We are really excited to have him back.
Dustin Jernigan is enjoying being back at Ole Miss, but apparently had his gas grill stolen from his
house and seems pretty down about it. We both enjoy grilling so I mourn his loss with him from afar.
James Michael Wilson Sanders also says to tell everyone hello (he goes to Montreat and we see him
alot) The other day I spoke with Steve-O and he said that all of the UGA boys are back in the swing
of things over there in Athens.
We have just begun construction on the new field above the paintball course this past week. I
went up there yesterday, and the dozers are in action. If you thought the new canoe dock was a cool
change last year, get ready to have your Camp Timberlake loving mind blown! This field will be
about the same size or bigger than Macky’s green, and is destined to have lots of fun happening on
it in the upcoming years. I will start going up there to give you updates in picture form as it
comes together.
We miss you guys!
Dan Singletary