Timberlake Happenings

Timberlake Happenings
IMAGE CAPTION – Timberlake Snowballing
Greetings from Timberlake! We are still plugging away up here, and it seems that a bit of a
snowball effect occurs after Christmas and about now we are pretty much always talking to
prospective campers and finishing up the last bit of our staff hires. Louis has been interviewing
people left and right. I am about to order the new Timbertool (which is amazing) and head off to
Louisiana for some homeshows around New Orleans. Bobby has been trying to keep a handle on all of
the property needs in the midst of some crazy weather and numerous construction projects.
So what have you heard from the staff lately?
I know that Stephen and Joey are on their way up here today from Atlanta to visit and I can’t
wait to see those guys! Matt Layton was here this past weekend and he seems to be doing really
well. We hired another New Timberlake counselor, Benjamin Garner, from Alabama. Which now makes
three UA guys that we have hired for this summer. We can’t wait to have them here!
Happy Camping!
Director Dan