Do you know Timberlake facts?

Do you know Timberlake facts?
IMAGE CAPTION – Lots of fun at Camp Timberlake!
We want to keep you guys posted on the dining hall progress, so here is another quick blog with some new photos. The roof above my office has been removed, and as I type I am seriously a little worried that one of the construction guys is going to fall through the ceiling while they put a new one on. This fear was compounded by one of the guys coming in to see what he would hit if he fell. Ha ha…Me. Disconcerting to say the least!
Any word from the staff?
Well, we had a few guys visit the other day for the Singletary joint birthday party. My son and I have birthdays one day apart and so we had a big bash up in the Mike on Saturday. The theme was tractors, and Bobby brought his beautiful blue New Holland up there so we could decorate it. The hope was to take kids pictures on it with Bobby beside them, but the rain came and killed the idea. Those present were: Alex Deckard, Connor Carrigan, Stewart Knight, Will Long (of course), and Stephen Owens. A good time was had by all!
Speaking of Will Long, he has created a Timberlake quiz for you guys. This is tons of camp trivia from years past. If you score between 85 and 100 percent on this he is prepared to mail you a prize. Go to this link to take the Timberlake trivia quiz
So until next time!
Director Dan