Day Joe Boy Cow Happy from Camp Timberlake!

Day Joe Boy Cow Happy from Camp Timberlake!
For those of you who may not know, “Day Joe Boy Cow Happy” is the traditional greeting among Timberlakers on Cowboy Joe Day, camp’s very own backwards day! After sleeping in an extra hour this morning, the boys woke to loud whooping and hollering, whistles, and sirens, as well as to the wonderful gift of nutdoughs and cow juice (that’s Cowboy Joe language for doughnuts and milk) in bed! The boys then put on those backwards shorts, shirts, and hats and headed to the tennis courts for the Morning Activity, which was a competitive game of Battleball. After the completion of the morning activity, the boys then went to their fourth period activity, further honoring backwardness of Cowboy Joe Day.
After fourth activity, everyone headed to lunch, which was a delicious camp rendition of a Christmas dinner, in honor of Merri-Mac’s Christmas celebration today. While at lunch, the fantastic Nick B., our Program Director, announced the victor of last night’s evening activity, Aquafest. The Iroquois roared with the joy of victory as they heard their tribe called over the microphone. Rather than heading to the cabins for rest time, the boys continued the backwards trend and ran out of Tucker Inn to free time and the Trading Post. After free time and then a quiet rest time, the boys headed to their third, second, and first activities.
A lot of success was seen in activities today from campers earning bars. During free time, Cole J. and Tim M. successfully scored 5 out of 10 points on the fencing instructor (who happens to be me), setting them up to earn their gold in fencing after successfully setting up and winning their own fencing tournament, which they announced a sign up for during dinner. Cameron W. also showed success in fencing today, winning an in-class tournament and being “knighted” by counselor Jason K. Joe B. successfully tread water for thirty minutes in Swimming today, and in the process completed the first part of requirements needed to earn his gold. In Rocketry, Mason J. earned his bronze, and Colby F. earned a bronze in Archery. Joe V. and George H. also saw a lot of success today, with Joe earning a silver in Wrestling today, and George earning a silver in Paintball. In Soccer today, Evan S. made progress towards his silver, and Andres S. scored a goal in a scrimmage during class.
In addition to the excitement of Cowboy Joe Day here at camp, two fantastic trips went out today. The first was a backpacking trip, where Dash V., Brendan A., Kain P., Brian S., Jared C., Price M., and Nathan M. hiked to Rattlesnake Mountain. On the second trip, Jack D., Beau A., Harris C., and Hank B. kayaked the Pigeon River, an exciting trip, and the most difficult river that Timberlake takes its amazing kayakers to. Both trips were successful, and the campers had a fantastic time.
The evening began with a camp favorite meal for dinner, Taco in a Bag. After the completion of dinner, the campers went outside for the Evening Yell, and proceeded to chapel, which was full of loud singing and a wonderful message from Nick B. To round out the Cowboy Joe festivities, the guys went from chapel to Hobby Night, where the campers can participate in fun activities that range from basketball and water polo to airsoft and Frisbee golf!
It has been a fantastic day here at Camp Timberlake, and we look forward to even more excitement and fun tomorrow!
Counselor Drew J.
Proud Iroquois, Little Piney Counselor, and Fencing Instructor