Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar
The sun was shining on another rainless day at Camp Timberlake today. The third day of activities is when campers start to settle in to their activities and hone their skills. For new campers, this involves the first requirements of their bronze bars and for others this could mean striving towards silver and gold bars. Guitar incorporated chapel songs into its lesson and learned popular tunes such as the Banana Song. Kayaking worked on T rescues and played kayak water polo (water polo in kayaks!). Tom M even got his bronze in kayaking. Canoeing perfected their strokes and played canoe tag. Up at the Mark, fencing worked towards earning their bars. Seth H got his silver and Max M and Thomas C got their bronze. Team sports class was shooting some hoops at the basketball courts today where Seth H completed his last requirement on the daunting list for gold! Climbing was on the Overhang wall at the Mike today. This wall contains a short vertical climb to a long 45 degree declining stretch and finally a quick vertical finish. James P managed to make it only one move from the vertical finish. Rocket scientists in training are put the finishing touches on their rockets today in preparation for launch. Grady S is getting closer and closer to finishing his gold level rocket. Tennis class used the sunshine to put their newly learned skills to the test in games such as Jailbreak and King of the Court. Pottery glazed their work today to get them ready for the kiln tonight. Enrique D is doing exceptionally well and his pieces continue to turn out great. Pottery was also open during free time which was aptly called Free Spin. Colby F used this time to create a beautiful bowl on the wheel.
Greybeard probably had the best day of them all on their cabin trip. They spent the day lounging down the lower green on inner tubes. It is days like these that even I wish I was in Greybeard. The evening activity for tonight was Little Chief. This is a special ceremony where we recognize campers for their leadership in the cabin and with their tribes. This recognition comes with marks that go on their deer skin. Each mark gets them closer to the next rank in the Little Chief system with the highest rank being Little Chief. You can also get marks by earning bars in your activities and completing certain elective tasks. Some of these tasks include running the Tomahawk Trail four times, going on three trips, or doing a solo overnight backpacking trip on property. After Little Chief, the upper cabins went to Spencer’s Green to play ultimate Frisbee while the lower cabins went to Mackie’s Green for the slip and slide. As the sun sets on another beautiful day at Camp Timberlake, campers and staff wait with baited breath to find out what is in store for tomorrow. There are whispers of a new full day activity jam packed with tribal battles of strength, endurance, and teamwork. Stay tuned for tomorrows article to get all the details of the exciting new activity. Until then, Go Seminoles!
Andrew L.
Proud 9th Year Seminole
Little Slaty Counselor