As reveille faithfully sounded this morning, the third full day of session 2A began! After a full breakfast of baked oatmeal, sausage, and coffee cake, it was time for chapel. Davis B. and Winston H. led us in worship, and Charlie R. spoke on “Who is God?” After chapel, the boys cleaned their cabins, and were off to first period at 9:30!

Morning activities were full of action today: In climbing, Whit P. practiced knots for his bronze bar, while the rest of the class took on the challenge of climbing the overhang and traverse walls  at The Mike. Over at the airsoft course, Griffin R. took out an entire team with one epic bunker tag! Gavin G. and Walt M. both earned some of the first bars of the session by getting their bronze bars in tennis.

At lunch, we ate a delicious meal of pizza and fruit, and Charlie R. announced that Big Slaty won today’s cabin cleanup competition with a perfect 10–barely beating Tomahawk’s 9.9! After lunch, it was time for the best time–rest time, and we recharged for the afternoon. Before the start of third period, the skies opened and camp received a welcome rain for about 30 minutes.

Once the weather cleared, the Seminoles and Iroquois had a friendly competition building tarp shelters in backpacking class. Josh B. made an exceptional second pinch pot in pottery, and is well on his way to throwing some clay! Team sports played football, and Daniel from Little Piney scored some fantastic touchdowns. On a kayaking trip to the Lower Green River, Scott R., Ford L., and Willem S. crushed it and learned front surfing.

With a full day of activities behind us, the fun isn’t over yet! Right now the boys are battling it out in tribal competition playing battle ball, and will soon learn what they will be doing with their cabins for post evening activities! We’re excited for what tomorrow holds, and can’t wait for another day of friends and adventure!


In Christ,

Ashton Clark

Tomahawk Counselor