Everyone’s Favorite Day

Everyone’s Favorite Day
After sleeping in an hour and delicious breakfast of cinnamon rolls and bagels, everyone knew: Sundays are different.
Sleeping in and a nice breakfast are, however, not the only special thing about Sundays here at Camp Timberlake. After the morning yell, the camp proceeded up to the chapel for a longer worship. Chapel on sundays is not only longer because we sing more songs, but because we also pray for everyone in the camp, and fulfill your son’s specific prayer requests.
Chapel leads us onto the next portion of the day; Cabin Cleanup! It may be sunday – a day of rest – but those cabins still need to be clean! After making the cabins impeccable, the boys participate in either sand castle building, dam building, frog catching or frisbee golf! All of them very fun.
Even though we had breakfast an hour late, we still have lunch at the normal time. After lunch, the camp heads up to the cabins for a glorious and well deserved rest hour. The next three hours are free time! The boys are able to do whatever they like; relax and spend time with each other, make new friends, play a match of tetherball or for those that need it, just continue sleeping.
The cookout is something everyone looks forward to on every Sunday. The camp gathers up at Spencer’s green to enjoy the afternoon sun, pass a couple balls or frisbees and relax with friends while enjoying hamburgers and hotdogs.
As the cookout came to a close, the boys headed down to the chapel for everyone’s favorite entertainment: Vespers! Vespers is a long-standing tradition at Timberlake, where we have several skits from the staff along with songs from the Black Mountain Oysters, where everyone signs along!
To wrap the day up, we played a game of tribal ultimate frisbee up at spencers. We had two games at the same time, one for lower cabins (Tomahawk, Little Piney and Big Piney) and one for upper cabins (Stomper’s Knob, Little Slaty, Big Slaty and Greybeard). They were both very close games so we’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to discover the winner!
As the camp headed back down to the cabins to shower and finish the day, they knew why sundays are special here at Camp Timberlake.
Signing Off,
Alex Staeding
Proud Seminole