This Saturday at camp started off on the right foot with french toast and sausage for breakfast. Following breakfast, Huckleberry counselor, Will A., led us in the morning yell. Like every other day at camp, everyone made the walk across the bridge to chapel following the morning yell. At chapel, we sang a new song about Noah and the ark that will surely become an instant classic.

The rain held off for the first two periods and through free time, but the sky let loose during third period, unleashing a downpour that halted outdoor activities and sent them to cover playing games indoors. At dinner, we were treated to some excellent fajitas, and rice crispy treats for dessert. After dinner, we headed up to the Mark for the Little Chief Ceremony.

Little Chief is the highest rank in our bars system here at Camp Timberlake. The ceremony is a place where campers are recognized for excellence in activities and servant leadership in the cabins.

Earning his bronze bar in Field Sports tonight: West L. Earning his bronze in Wrestling: Ben L. Earning bronze bars in Basketball: John Issac I., Daniel H, Nate G, Robert M, Benjamin L, Aidan K, Paxton S, Wyatt GRen G. and Evan H. Earning silvers in Basketball: Tate L, Matthew J, and Henry B. Earning bronze bars in Guitar: Grant G, Logan S, Graham R, and Harrison C. Earning his bronze in Paintball: Thomas H. Earning bronze bars in Fencing: Layton H, Garrett S, Owen M, Carson B, and Silas G. Rounding out the bars is Lucas O, with his bronze in Riflery.

The second half of our Little Chief ceremony recognizes the campers who are exemplifying servant leadership in the cabin. Depending on the number of campers in the cabin, one, two, or even three campers may be given this honor. Earning the counselor commendation for the cabin of Huckleberry: Elliot G. Earning the camper commendation, which is voted on among peers, Carson B.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Finch’s Landing: Luke H and Logan S. Earning the camper commendations: Luke H and Connor W.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Further Up:Fox S and Harrison C. Earning the camper commendations: Craig H and Phillip H.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Further In: Paxton S and Hudson L. Earning the camper commendations: Ryker R and Henry O.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Little Piney: Wyatt G, Silas G, and Barrett B. Earning the camper commendations: Ren G, Nate G, and Porter S.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Big Piney: HP, Samson C, and Evan H. Earning the camper commendations: Reid P, Evan H, and Ray S.

Earning the counselor commendations in the cabin of Stompers Knob: Lucas O and Wick K. Earning the camper commendations: Lucas O and Henry M.

Earning the counselor commendation in the cabin of Little Slaty: Dylan G. Earning the camper commendation: Garret S.

Earning the counselor commendation and camper commendation in the cabin of Big Slaty: Alex E.

Earning the counselor commendation in the cabin of Greybeard: Henry B. Earning the camper commendation: Griffin P.

There are many ranks along the path to Little Chief. All the bars and commendations campers earn help them climb the ladder closer to the coveted rank of Little Chief.

Earning the rank of Scout tonight: Harrison C, Benjamin E, Luke H, and Phillip H. Earning the rank of Pioneer: Hudson L. Earning the rank of Tracker: Samson C, Dylan G, and Matthew J. Earning the rank of Hunter: Tate L, Lucas O, and Garrett S. The final promotion given tonight was the rank of Warrior, earned by Alex E and Thomas H. Despite the rain, we had a full and fun day at Camp Timberlake. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store!


Shawn Feagin

BME Kayaking Instructor