Session 1B in Full Swing at Timberlake
Session 1B in Full Swing at Timberlake
And just like that, we are off to another exciting, thrilling, and excellent session at Camp Timberlake! After a hard-fought game of Sock War last night, the boys got some well-needed rest and started their first full day at camp! The boys hurried down to breakfast for some yummy cheesy eggs, sausage links, home fries, and of course … biscuits! The boys then went out to have the first morning yell of Session 1B led by director John M. himself. It was so loud it probably woke up the neighbors 10 acres away!
After chapel and the first cabin cleanup of the session, we got into our morning activities. The campers had their first chance to explore new hobbies, passions, and skills. In Archery, the boys learned all about how to slay dragons with their bows and fend off great armies. Maybe I’m fabricating a little, but the boys learned a great bit about the rules of Archery and the parts of the bow. They even got to shoot! Sam C. was very knowledgeable during archery safety instructions. Similarly, in riflery, the boys learned all about firearm safety and parts of the air rifles we use at camp! In Disk Golf, campers learned the fundamentals of different shot ranges, with Adam K. nailing a disc golf drive!
Campers worked up quite the appetite after morning activities, fortunately, we had our camp classic of Taco in a Bag for lunch today! The boys then headed to rest time and then free time where the cabins of Stompers Knob, Little Slaty, Big Slaty, and Greybeard had a free swim!
After, we began our afternoon activities where Paws (puppy training class!) had a picnic playtime with the Golden Doodle pups! In Fitness class, Jason H and Mason S crushed the lower body circuit workout pushing themselves to higher goals and weights! Out on Spencer’s Green, Field Sports class had a substantial first-day playing world cup soccer! Our winner was Bryant C representing the country of Germany!!
For dinner, we enjoyed cheesy pasta, breadsticks, and caesar salad, and for dessert … CHOCOLATE CAKE! The boys used the food to fuel up for tonight’s tribal games of capture the flag for junior camp and the Juggernaut races for senior camp. Stay tuned for tomorrow to see which tribe will prevail.
Overall, it was a fantastic first full day of camp, and we can not wait to share how the rest of this session unfolds! The boys have already grown so much in the short day they have been at camp. So long for now, and we will see y’all tomorrow for a summary of another astounding day at camp!
Adam Viener
Black Bear
Finch’s Landing Counselor
Fitness Instructor